Ji Kim

Visual, Interaction, Experience Design

Ji Kim is a visual experience designer with a solid foundation in graphic design. She specializes in crafting engaging and playful visual experiences in digital media and has extensive experience collaborating with multidisciplinary teams. Most recently, Ji was part of a small design R&D team, where she focused on creating bespoke retail experiences. She is currently open to new projects


Many Sceneries Web VR


Rest in Pieces is a WebVR experience created to honor spacecraft intentionally crashed on the Moon for NASA's research. These 18 machines shattered upon impact—either because their missions took place before the invention of soft lunar landings or as part of efforts to study the Moon’s material composition.

Built with A-Frame, the site invites users to explore this virtual lunar memorial. With keyboard controls, visitors can navigate the space, zoom in and out, and interact with the remnants of these historic spacecraft in an immersive VR environment.
